Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Tulisan 4
Conclusion,Implication,Suggestion,Limitation dan References

REVIEW       :


Oleh    :

Rumra Suryanti Ismail

Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Maluku

Ot Pattimaipauw SK Street 15 RT/RW 005/02, Ambon 97115, Indonesia

Berisi :


It can be concluded that internal factors (organization, institution, business and effort,
participation and services of the members) and the external factors (networking) have become the factors that can measure the KUD performance in Ambon city. Based on the analysis, KUD in Ambon can be classified into two: Good enough (A Lateua and Hua Aman) and KUD with Good ones (Jabal Ramah, Tri Darma, Ina Tuni, Tunas Baru,
and Hundap).
However, KUD with Good enough canbe directed towards the implementation of
two strategies namely Changing the Directionor Vision and KUD with Good type can
be directed towards the implementation ofthree strategies such as market development,
strategy for product development and concentrated growth .The implementation of
such strategies is conditional in the sense that these strategies are suited to their human resources capability.
The effect of internal and external factors of the cooperatives or KUD can shape
up their performance and in turn such performance can also determine their strategies
for responding the tight competition in business world. In such a condition, internal and
external factor analysis is very important for them. Based on the regulation issued by the
Ministry of Cooperatives and Small-Medium Business, No. 22/PER/M.KUKM/IV/2007,
and Independent institution (LAPENKOP),there are some variables that should be used
for measurement for understanding by the members toward KUD performance as the
following.Organization and institution (internal), such as measuring the members understanding towards the vision, mission, goals, and institution policies.
Efforts and Business (internal) measuring financial soundness and productivity in doing the business. Services (internal) measuring services given
by the members in their business. Members’ participation, measuring active role by the members in developing and keeping their existence in KUD for the business.
Networking, measuring KUD potential in developing business networking and cooperation with other parties.
Based on the research results, it is in general, that the above variables have good
effect on measuring the KUD performance and therefore, these factors are used for determining the strategies. The level of performance can be used for classification of
the KUD into Good and Good enough. Type 1, have greater internal and external ability
but Type 1 have less than type 1. KUD with type 1 can choose the strategy of market development by benefiting from the good cooperation with government and other parties.
KUD with type 2 can choose the strategy of the same as type 1 by modification of the regulation towards the saving and loan business expected by them. The policies on saving
and loan can motivate the members and customers to do transaction with responsibility.
Besides concentrated growth strategy can be applied to the cooperatives of this
type, they must have a unique product. This strategy can be effective because the KUD has good internal condition and size of market opportunities that can still be used. It is inevitable that by utilizing the good cooperation relations with the government and by several other cooperatives, cooperatives still have a chance to open up new distribution channels with better quality, reliable and inexpensive. These can be done by increasing relationships with government and community as well as the market opportunities.
For the cooperatives which are classified good enough, they can use a changing strategy for improving performance than has been declining. This strategy should be chosen
in order to restructure and rehabilitate the internal conditions and maximize the
ability of external KUD's possession. Cooperation with communities and local governments
can be conducted for refreshing the performance of cooperatives that are declining.
By considering the structure of village government in Maluku is customary structure of government in which the leader holds the highest authority in the village with customary
rules recognized by the state and the relationship of government to the peoples can be the support for expediting the strategy to be implemented.
For further research, the researchers may focus on testing other factors which might
affect the performance of cooperatives (including cooperatives). In addition, the empowerment model of government and the characteristics of HR administrators, managers
and supervisors can be used as an instrument to measure the performance of cooperatives
and the determination of the strategy implementation.


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Nama / NPM   : Sarina Nurcahaya/ 28211249
Kelas / Tahun  : 2EB09 / 2010-2011

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