Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Tulisan 2
Research Method dan Data Analysis Methods

REVIEW       :


Rumra Suryanti Ismail

Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Maluku

Ot Pattimaipauw SK Street 15 RT/RW 005/02, Ambon 97115, Indonesia

Berisi :

Research  Method

The internal factors (organizational and institutional, business and the business, service, and participation of members) and external ones (networks) of the cooperatives
are analyzed and categorized according to the level of performance. Later on, based on
these performance levels, the researcher determined a new strategy that is suitable for
the development of cooperatives in the future. Ambon city was chosen as a research
location for the reason that every year, the increasing number of active to inactive cooperatives showed a decrease in quality of their performance.
The population covers the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) in Ambon. Based on
the data from the Office of Cooperative in Maluku Province, it is known there are 16
cooperatives in the city of Ambon, and these were used for the population. Yet, the sample
is selected by 8 cooperatives that have specific requirements. The sample was taken
by accident or purposive sampling. The sampling in this case is limited to the cooperatives
that meet certain criteria and considerations such as a) they have been incorporated
at least 1 year, b) they have conducted the Annual Members Meeting (RAT 2009), and c) they are still active in 2009.
The data were taken from direct respondents or the primary data for the research
samples and all were related to the secondary data.
a. Primary data were collected by interviews,
with a list of questions (questionnaire) to be
filled by the respondents, regarding questions
relating to the assessment of study

Table 3
Scoring and Weighting

variables on the performance of cooperatives
b. Secondary data were obtained from various agencies in the form of reports or documents
originating from the Central Cooperative Village Unit Cooperatives and cooperatives.
The data were collected and measured using the Rating Scale. For analysis purposes,
the instruments referring to the response of each item was scored 1-4., ranging from very positive to very negative. For examples, excellent (score 4), good (score 3), fairly good (score 2), and poor (score 1). Furthermore, these variables were weighted according to the importance of each variable. The weight given to reflect the perception of the importance of one particular factor compared with other factors (Siagian, 2007). The weight is based the cooperatives’ response to these factors of importance as shown in Table 3.
The variables were measured and grouped according to the value that indicates
the level of performance. The performance assessment describes the level of the cooperatives’ success, from excellent to poor. Performance levels are grouped as shown in Table 4.
To test the validity, the researcher used a test of construct validity by using item
analysis, which calculates the correlation

between scores coefficient item and total score using a significance level of 5%. The
approach used to test the validity of the item (question) is the Product Moment correlation
equation. The reliability test used a formula coefficient alpha Cronbach. Reliability of an
instrument will be accepted if it has a minimum value of reliability coefficient 0.60
(Sigit, 2001) so it can be interpreted that the instrument can be used as a reliable data collection.

Data Analysis Methods

Data analysis was done in three stages, namely through descriptive analysis and
analysis of Cooperative Capacity (CCA) and the Primary Strategy Selection Matrix analysis
or Basic. Descriptive analysis was performed to determine the frequency distribution
of answers from the questionnaires filled by the respondents. The answers include
internal environmental variables (organizational and institutional, business and
the business, service, and participation of members) and external environmental variables
(networks). By having the frequency distribution of items or variables and the
average score of the item or variable, it can show the state of the item or variable under
study. The Cooperative Capacity Analysis (CCA) is a form of cooperative performance
analysis based on the ability of cooperatives that are influenced by internal and external
environment. The analysis was performed using a scoring technique. As for the stages
in the CCA analysis can be performed as follows:
1. Summing the item scores of the respondent's answer, divided by the number of items tested. This applies to each indicator.
2. Summing the scores of each indicator variable, divided by the number of indicators in the test.
3. Multiplying the total score of indicators by weighting variables that have been determined
to get a weighted score. This was done to determine the capability of each variable in the form of performance
4. The total weighted score was further divided by the total weight of the indicator.
These results can indicate the level of cooperative performance.
5. The cooperatives are grouped according to the predetermined level of performance.
Next is to create the Main Strategy Selection Matrix Analysis. The use of matrices
in this study is intended to put the performance of cooperatives in the areas or strategies
in accordance with internal and external conditions of the cooperatives. The main
strategy of selection matrix is a reliable technique in choosing a strategy of the parent
cooperative. This metric is to conduct internal or external pressure for growth or
profitability (Pearc, Robinson, 2007). The selection of strategies in the strategy of the
parent cooperatives will go through the steps as follows:
1. The cooperative performance levels that have been analyzed are placed in the field of
the matrix according to the strengths or weaknesses of internal and external factors
and the opportunities and threats that are faced by these cooperatives.
2. After the field of the matrix (Quadrant I, II, II and IV), then define the main strategies that can be done.
3. Implement the chosen strategy of the par ent appropriate cooperative premises in their
operational functions.

Nama / NPM   : Sarina Nurcahaya/ 28211249
Kelas / Tahun  : 2EB09 / 2010-2011

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