Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Tulisan 3
Data Analysis And Discussion Performance Measurement

REVIEW       :


Rumra Suryanti Ismail

Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Maluku

Ot Pattimaipauw SK Street 15 RT/RW 005/02, Ambon 97115, Indonesia

Berisi :

Performance Measurement

Based on measurements of the internal and external variables, the performance of each
variable on-of the cooperative in Ambon could be explained as follows:
Organizations and Institutions
Organizational and institutional variables are described by the indicators of the vision and mission, organizational structure, organizational management, human resource development, finance, and facilities showing contribution of variables that form performance,
in which they are not much different among the cooperatives. In general, contributions of
organizations and institutional variables in measuring the performance of cooperatives
in the city of Ambon achieve a weighted score of 9 or have the ability to measure the performance of 75.01%.

Enterprises and Business
Business and enterprise variables are described by the indicator of capital and marketing. In general, the contribution of variables forming cooperatives performance is at
a weighted score of 8.28. This means that the variables of business enterprises and cooperatives have the capability of 68.96% in measuring the performance of cooperatives

The next variable is explained by indicators of service to members and service to nonmembers. This contribution to the variable variable-forming performance is at a
weighted score of 6.17 which means that this variable has the capability KUD of 77.16%
in assessing the performance of cooperatives.

The variable of participation is explained by the participation of members indicated by of the capital participation, the transaction of business, decision making, loyalty, bearing
the risk, and monitoring. This shows the value of diverse contributions of variables.
On this variable, the contribution made in measuring the performance in village cooperatives
is the weighted score of 5.11. This means that the variable participation of the members have the capability of 63.84% in measuring the performance of cooperatives.

The network variables are the external factors in which the contribution of the variables is the weighted score of 2.62. This means the ability of network variables in
shaping the performance of cooperatives is totaled to 65.61%. According to the grouping the cooperative performance levels, the contribution of

each variable is the overall value of each performance level. Value or performance
level is then used to group the cooperatives by category that has been standardized. Each
performance level of the cooperatives is shown in Table 5.
Table 5 shows the classification of cooperatives, so that it can be seen that in general
the cooperatives in the city of Ambonare classified properly. Of the 7 cooperatives
 that were analyzed, Pancuran Tujuh is good and one unclassified. The cooperatives of
Jabal Rahmah, Tri Dharma, Ina Tunisian, Tunas Baru, Hundap, A Leteua and Hua are an in-categorizes ones which has a good performance level. This is evidenced by the number of performance values of 2.72 to 3.26 x>which is within the scope of the standard of good performance (2.5 3.5), Pancuran Tujuh cooperatives are included in the category with a pretty good level of performance. This is indicated by the number of performance values of 2.39 which is within the scope of the standard of performance therefore it is quite good. Thus, it is known that the cooperatives in Ambon are in two classifications: good and pretty good.
The results of measurement of the cooperative performance were classified according
to their performance level. Differences in the level of classification and the ability of cooperatives in addressing the internal and external environmental changes they were encountered. Differences in attitudes shown each cooperative was triggered by differences in ability (strength and weaknesses) that were owned and the opportunities and challenges they were encountered.
 The cooperatives which are classified e.g., Jabal Rahmah, Tri Dharma, Ina Tuni, Tunas Baru, Hundap, A Leteua, dan Hua Aman. In general, they are weak in the industrial and business networks. In the field of business, the cooperatives generally have
difficulty in raising the capital source from the members’ businesses. This is due to low
compliance by the members to pay compulsory savings, voluntary savings and principal savings. Likewise, some banks are closed for the access through a standard tight financing
or loan.
 For the field of marketing, the cooperatives generally are not yet able to meet existing market opportunities. Unit of trade is still limited to value of the goods traded. In
the network, generally, they have difficulty in cooperating with donor agencies and the
private sector. This is due to the limited access of cooperatives with those institutions.
However, behind all the weaknesses by the classified cooperatives, they also have the
advantages that can be used to improve the quality of the business, such as the following.
1) The members have a good understanding of the vision and mission and legal entities
in accordance with applicable rules, structure  and management of good organization,
so the organization can carry out their respective functions,
2) There are still banks that lend money to the cooperatives in accessing capital venture,
3) There is still an obedient member to pay compulsory savings and voluntary savings,
4) In general, they are still able to provide an opportunity for members fairly and equitably
in education and training in business development and improved quality of the member cooperatives.
5) The attitude of most members of the loyalty and control over the performance of the
board and management continue to exist to make the cooperative economic growth amid rapid urban in Ambon.
6) The cooperative partnership with indigenous communities and institutions is good.
Similarly, the government is working with cooperatives. This will encourage the success
of the program for strengthening economy.

The Quite Good Cooperatives
This group is classified fairly well (Pancuran Tujuh) generally has a weakness in the performance measurement of each variable that has lowered the value of the performance of
cooperatives. Weaknesses are in the following areas: Organizational and institutional

variables on the classified these cooperatives are good enough. It is identified being lack
of understanding in the organizational structure of duties and responsibilities of each.
Additionally, Standard operating procedures (SOP) is arranged, but not done regularly for
updating and reporting system is not prepared in accordance with archival principles. Further assessment of the performance is evaluated periodically and the selection and
placement of employees are not held in an open and competitive way. For the financial
sector, managers are less transparent in reporting to members.
In the field of business, the cooperative capitalization is lack access to bank due to
also being lack of ability to meet the standards or criteria for financing. In terms of
marketing, they are not able to meet existing market opportunities. For the field service,
they are not yet in uniform in providing educational opportunities to all members for
training. So, new opportunities are perceived by some members of the course so that the
manager must be fair and professional to them. The role in increasing the contribution
of cooperatives is that they cannot do business optimally.
Their participation in the field—business transactions through the repayment of
loans—is said to be as less good members. They have low loyalty, because they are less
obedient in following institutional mechanisms and procedures, lack of control by
their managers, as well as a willingness to bear risk in business. They have the disadvantage
of working with the private sector networking, and cooperation among cooperatives and cooperation with donor agencies. This is because they are less active in joint activities between the cooperative. Besides, they are also lack of access to institutions
and private donors. The cooperatives which are classified fairly well still have the power that can be used to improve the quality of its business.
These cooperatives are as the following. 1) they still have members, administrators, and managers who remain loyal to the development of cooperatives, 2) Members who have
opportunity to follow the education and training, still continue to provide capital
contributions and involvement in improving the business of cooperatives. 3) they still have a good relationship with the surrounding community as well as traditional village institutions and cooperation with the government.

Selection of the Strategy
The analysis was carried out simultaneously on the cooperatives’ internal and external environment and this was demonstrated to management on the identification of
strengths and weaknesses they have. By using a combination of strengths to overcome
weaknesses and strengthen through the utilization of internal and external environment,
the strategy can be seen in the field as the matrix that shown in Figure 2.
It is clearly identified that the cooperative which were not as Good category are
Jabal Rahmah, Tri Dharma, Ina Tuni, Tunas Baru, Hundap, A Leteua dan Hua Aman. As
such, the cooperatives are in the field in the matrix strategy selection strategy III as primary
or basic. In the internal side, they have strength greater than weaknesses. In the external
side there were two parts. The first is that of the external KUD has a greater opportunity
than a threat (KUD Jabal Rahmah, Tri Dharma, Ina Tunas, Tunas Baru and Hua
Aman). It can be seen in the large capacity in cooperation with various parties. KUD in
the second is that of the external facing greater threats than the opportunities of the
(A Leteua, and Hua Aman). With these two conditions KUD the strategy can be selected are as follows.

KUD of the Classification of Type 1 (KUD Jabal Rahmah, Tri Dharma, Ina Tunisian,
and Hundap and Tunas Baru)
In this condition KUD strengthened the internal strength of the organizational and institutional partly understood by both of the components of the organization, outstanding
service to members and non members as well as active participation of members who
are also quite good. In terms of external, KUD has an opportunity to utilize the cooperation
with various parties. This cooperation will further strengthen the position of cooperatives in the market and improve performance. Therefore, alternative for operational strategies that can be taken are:

Market Development Strategy
Market development is a development towards a new market for existing products.
Implementation strategies can be supported by KUD in a good condition and the magnitude
of market opportunities that can still be used. KUD can take advantage of the good
cooperation relations with the government and with donor agencies and the private sector
to facilitate the opening of new distribution channels with better quality, reliable,
and inexpensive.
Market development strategy that must be chosen is the strategy that can be used by
cooperatives Tri Dharma. KUD that can execute market development strategy is the
fishery and agricultural products to expand the marketing area (not just one company).
They can utilize a co-operation with governments and donor agencies and the private
sector. It can be developed on a fishery companies (for fisheries) and food companies, cosmetic or pharmaceutical (to produce).

The Strategy of Product Development
This is a common strategy involving substantial modifications to existing products at
this time and can be marketed to current customers. Product development strategy chosen
as strategies that can be used by KUD KUD, is as the following.
1. KUD Jabal Rahmah (Business Savings and Loans)
2. KUD Tri Dharma (Business Savings and Loans & Waserda)
3. Ina Tuni KUD (Business Savings and Loans & Waserda)
4. Tunas Baru (Business Savings and Loans & Waserda)
5. Hundap (Business Savings and Loans & Waserda)
Cooperatives with savings and loans unit can modify the rules of savings and loan in
the amount of certain loans by adapting to their capability to pay the customer / member but still give priority to the sustainability of cooperatives. KUD can apply conditional
loan repayment agreements (interest rate by a specified period, or bonus for deposits on a
certain amount). If during the application of the savings and loan system, it should be based solely on the determination of interest rates by one per month and three months
without thinking about the risk of late payment the loan can be a strategy is as follows.
Determination of interest rates not only per month and one per three months, but can
be set again for a period of six months and twelve months.
The loans are not repaid on the agreed loan period; loan interest charges automatically
follow the provisions in the period subsequent loans. For example, the agreed loan
repayment period of three months when it came to the end of that period can not be
redeemed (repaid partly new) then enters the fourth month, a residual value of the loan
will bear an interest rate in the current period. Loans that are not well paid in a period
of one year the loan burden will be imposed on the SHU to be received by the member
concerned. This means that the division of SHU, the concerned member will receive the
right after the cut value of outstanding loans. For non members, the loan can be provided
with the goods as security deposit  loan or collaterals. Guarantee or collateral is
also applicable to members of cooperatives with certain amount of loan.
Likewise, the cooperatives that have waserda business unit, can make modifications
to the rules of buying and selling (cash and credit) through the rules at a particular time period or a bonus on certain amount of purchase.

KUD with Classification of Good Type 2 (Lateua and Hua Aman)
In this condition, KUD has internal strength the same as Type 1 above, but they have
weaknesses in the external sides where the cooperation relationship with other parties is
not so good. For that reason, with their strengths, they can choose the strategies as the following.

Product Development Strategy
This strategy is the same as in type 1 that can be used by KUD for the business of saving and loans. Such a strategy becomes their chosen strategy for KUD A Lateua and Hua Aman. They can modify the regulation than can induce their spirit to keep transaction
with KUD. This can also support them to get profit considering their position (Village of Laha and Hukurila) these are quite far from Ambon city.

Concentrated Growth Strategy
This is to allocate the growth effort to get profit on single product or certain product.
KUD can concentrate on a certain product they think is the winner product. This strategy
can be done by KUD Hua Aman. They can sell Sereh Oil and Cloves. They can be
supported by the different markets. So far Kayu Mutih Oil has penetrated the market,
but Sereh Oil can also penetrate the market because it has special advantages even more
effective than Kayu Putih Oil.
KUD with Classification of Good Enough For this kind of KUD, such as Pancuran Tujuh, this is in the field of II from the main strategy matrices. They have bigger problem in their internal factors. Even they also have external problems. They therefore have little
opportunity in doing business externally. Therefore, they are suggested to have a strategy to keep standing (defense). They need guidance because they are so weak to get opportunity. There are some alternatives to be done as the following.

Strategy of Changing the Vision
They need great changes to improve their performance for making them safe so they
should do things as follows.
Restructuring, focusing on organization structure. They are required to determine
their components commensurate with the present development. KUD Pancuran Tujuh can do rationalization.
Awareness, through revitalization of their business goal and services. They should determine their segment and maximize their markets. For example, they can focus on fishery.
Maintenance, with the target of rehabilitation of the KUD performance to be sustainable. This can be done by fulfilling their members’ rights such as the profit division and the like. This is also done fairly.
Besides that, KUD in this type still have support from society and cooperation with
the surrounding people there. By doing all this, the government programs in empowering the people economy can work well.KUD therefore should be active with the government

Nama / NPM   : Sarina Nurcahaya/ 28211249
Kelas / Tahun  : 2EB09 / 2010-2011

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